Мы работаем в соответствии с налоговым законодательством РФ. На все работы оформляется официальный договор, гарантирующий качество в соответствии с законами РФ

Soft Skills & Hard Skills Education

Here are trainings which activate positive change in your business, reflecting in your business profit growth, management systems effectiveness and your personnel professionalism increase! Here are Sales Boost Trainings, Client Focus Trainings, Negotiation Art Trainings, Effective Call center Trainings, Retail Shop Assistant Trainings and other up-to-date trainings found on the most proficient world's practics and principles.

Individual business solutions

Here you can find the best individual solutions for your businesses and projects. I create and provide specially customized solutions, such as trainings, workshops, evaluation session, staff workbooks, sales scripts, business situation constillation, coaching session, teambuilding, MBO session, train the trainerworkshops, etc... In that process I use the wolrd`s companies experience and my own experience!

Psychological trainings

Here yiou can find the best technics on business management and personal development. Psychological trainings like Leadership Training, Time Management Training, Life Management Training, Emotion Management Training and other trainings awaiken and develop you potential, supporting you in easining you personal pain and break your mutual dependable relationships, and start fully managing you personal life…

Psychological consulting

I, as a professional psychology consultant, carry out individual psychological consulting. During my psychological consulting I give you answers to all your questions and development technics on such topics as: self esteem, leadership, familly building and relationship, relationship with your parnter, psychological destructive programs and other contemporary topics for you and your family based on the best world's knowlegdes.

Essential Materials

Personal couch – your success secret
Personal couch – your success secret

Pri podderzhke koucha chelovek ne sbivaetsia s tceli, ne lenitsia, ne razmenivaetsia na melochi, ne teriaet khvatki i vnimaniia, koncentriruetsia na tceli – no i ne ubivaetsia na rabote, kouch uchit umeniiu vy`rabaty`vat`, khranit`, raspredeliat` i razumno tratit` svoiu e`nergiiu. Pri podderzhke opy`tnogo i professional`nogo koucha ty` smozhesh` priblizit` svoe budushchee, poniat` sebia luchshe, ubrat` s dorogi vse, chto meshaet tebe dostich` tvoikh tcelei`.

  • Our Partners

    About the Project

    Razrabotka i provedenie obuchaiushchikh programm: treningi prodazh, peregovorov, telefonny`kh kommunikatcii`, upravleniia liud`mi, liderstva, motivatcii, nastavnichestva. Psihologicheskoe konsul`tirovanie i treningi, reshenie krizisny`kh situatcii` po napravleniiam: otnosheniia, sem`ia, lichnostny`i` rost i dr.

    Contact Us

    • Practical Phychology Center
    • +7(925)464-90-46
    • alex-business-trainer
    • info@best-me.ru
    • www.best-me.ru
    • Alex Kuznetsov, Business Trainer, Coach, Professional Practical Phychologist, Development Consultant

    Я в Google+ Google+ Алексей Кузнецов Я в Google+