I am, as business trainer, produclively cooperate with different companies and businesses and projects`owners (retail shops, Internet shops, juridical offices, factories, pharma companies and others) and deliver them consulting services and couching services and education services in order to upgrade their business and their personnel.
Presently, scores of companies and businesses have consulting and educational requests  to teach and develop their personnel for them to know their product and services, to increase a number of clients and partners and to realise more Company`s products and services, and also to build strong relationship with providors and partners with mutual benefits.
Lots fo Companies cannot afford a corporate trainer or just do not have the need to have a corporate business trainer or training manager as their salary can reach up to 150 000 rbls (more than 2 000$) and the specifics of the business trainer`s activities do not demand full time in-house occupation.
The best solution here is to hire an outsourced professional experienced business trainer who will organize modern professional effective education and development of the personnel and management of the Company and give methods to develop the Company`s market presence and business outcome.
I am as business trainer perform product training and couching for the Company`s personnel. Also I create professional and effective training design (energizers, buzz sessions, scary pictures, case study and others) for product trainngs and sales trainings and customer focus trainngs and trainings of management by objectives and conflict management trainings and leadership trainings and personal effectiveness trainings and team building trainings and others.
There are two optimal styles of cooperation for a Company\an individual and the business trainer  in the filed of learnng and development:

Long -time partnership «Business-trainer+»

In the algorithm of partnership, I am as business trainer and L&D Specialist perform assesment of the Company`s business processes and operartions (such as sales process or clients`s service line of contacts) and the personnel`s competencies to plan the functional development of the personnel, and I perform monitoring of the work activitiess results and the quality of the clients` service given by the Company`s line officers, and I perform the assesment of corporate in-house communications.
Together you and me will be able to fix ceritan, accurate and measurable results training programmes.
I plan and perform professional training for your candidates and Company`s corporte personnel  - Welcome Trainings and Company`s Product Trainings and Sales Trainings and Best Service and Customer Focus Trainings and - Professional Corporate Communication Trainings and Cold Calls Trainings and Phone Sales Trainings and Internet Sales Trainings and B2B Sales Trainings and Effective Negotiations Trainings - these are both Soft Skills trainings and Hard skills trainings.
More regularly, I work with Companies of such business types as clients` service (repairment shops, modern clothes boutiques, toys shops, and distibutors` development partnership and white goods and Bank insurance sales ) and mine companies and pharma companies and others. I am ready to design and perform professional Product Training (for you possibly original products) and sales Trainings customized for your servoes\products within a short period of time  for your personnel to be able to use the knowledge and begin to bring profit for your business!
I arrange and perform post training activities, focusing on the lack of knowledge and practice or weakness of the competencies essential for the results expected, thanks to the personnel assesment. They can be Teambuilding trainings or Personnel Management Trainings  or  Business Communication workshops or Anti-Selfsabotage Trainings or Personnel Effectiveness post training business games or individual Leadership Coaching.
I customize training for the specialty and demands and the situation and the type of personnel of your Company.
If there are such needs from your Company, I perform professional "field" assesment and coaching visits to your Company`s points of sales for your front line officers, for the results to start  as soon as possible!
And also for your personnel, I design distant training. 
I have the experience of training the audience from 5 to 500 trainees. I professionally use moderation and fasilitation methods with the group work.
Also, after my trainings, you can obtain  feedback on the competencies developed during the training: I perform different tests and simulation role games.
For the personnel individual self-training, I design the hand-outs with training practices and business effectiveness instruments and performance increase methods.
If there is such demand, I prepare Individual Development Plans for every officers (IDP), which can let their supervisers to control the professionaal growth and effectiveness increase of the officers and not to abandon  the training and development of the personnel and to obtain the clear and eveluated prognosis of professional level of effectiveness according to the KPI! It is effective to implement regular personnel product awareness assessments and seles algorithm knowledge assessments and client focus assessments.
As an example, there is an approximate Business Trainer and the Company partnership plan.









Office time:

Planning, scheduling




Office time:




Office time:

Post training, evaluation, coaching



Results: objects set, trainng planned, group completed


group trained, feedback received,individual development plans set


Results: group eveluated, feedback received,development monitored





About the Project

Razrabotka i provedenie obuchaiushchikh programm: treningi prodazh, peregovorov, telefonny`kh kommunikatcii`, upravleniia liud`mi, liderstva, motivatcii, nastavnichestva. Psihologicheskoe konsul`tirovanie i treningi, reshenie krizisny`kh situatcii` po napravleniiam: otnosheniia, sem`ia, lichnostny`i` rost i dr.

Contact Us

  • Practical Phychology Center
  • +7(925)464-90-46
  • alex-business-trainer
  • info@best-me.ru
  • www.best-me.ru
  • Alex Kuznetsov, Business Trainer, Coach, Professional Practical Phychologist, Development Consultant

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