Communication, as verbal, as written, is fundamental for successful business activities of any Company. In business communication every chosen word is critical. It is important to master the habit to persuade. Also it is essential to follow corporate standards and rules of business ethics. But do we always follow the rules? Are there many employees realize the importance of correct, convincing, objective focused and positive business communication? What problems and even financial losses can be caused by low quality, non-professional business communication, as with clients, as with colleagues? What should we do in situations of aggressive, manipulative, stress communication and how shall we maintain business relations? After the training you can enforce your role as professional communicator, and make your business communication more convincing, and more structured, and more assertive, and you can learn how to deal with difficult situations, and to socialize with “difficult” partners, staying within boundaries of business constructive style, maintaining positive, perspective relations with any business communication partner.
The target audience: for the wide audience of employees, executives, specialists, for whom in business activities it is essential to obtain high competency in the field of business communication, as with clients, as with in-house clients; for free lance specialists for whom it is essential to establish and maintain business contacts and effectively present ideas\solutions\products.
What problems the training solve:
- Conflict situations in business communication
- The lack of contact, trust, understanding in horizontal\vertical business communication and \ or corporate communication
- The necessity of effective, impactful business email and verbal business communication
- Weak knowledge of convincing instruments in business communication
- Weak knowledge of managing the results with business communication with different types of partners
- Weak knowledge of positive communication techniques and creation of correct private image in business communication
All the training participants will be able to:
- master instruments of business verbal and written communication
- improve relations with colleagues at work, with partners, with executives
- obtain instruments of non-conflict communication
- learn to define and overcome conflict situations
- be able to communicate with different types of partners
- learn to decrease emotional pressure in communication
- learn to define negative communication and avoid it
- develop the skills of assertive behavior and communication
- learn to define manipulations and get over them
Training objectives:
- summarize the participants` knowledge of business communication
- study the basics of business verbal\non-verbal communication
- obtain the knowledge on basic principles of effective business email
- develop the ability to be constructive, business-like, assertive in different situations of business communication.
- develop the ability to control private emotional state in difficult situations
- learn the instruments of definition and overcoming conflict situations in business communication
- master instruments of assertive communication and non-conflict communication
All training modules can be customized in the context of business topics relative to the participants in their work activities.
Training methods: presentation, interactive mini-lection, group discussion, case method, visualization, individual activity, activity in smaller groups, role game, training of instrument, business game, icebreaker \ energizer.
Training contents:
Business communication. The essence and contents
Difficulties in business communication
- Functions of business communication
- Verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal part of business communication.
- Business communication instruments.
- Communicative barriers, which corrupt information.
- Practice: analysis of information transfer aspects.
- Instruments to overcome barriers in business communication.
- Instruments of structured dialogue.
- Practice: methods to overcoming barriers in business communication.
- Emotional aspect of business communication.
- Your image in business communication.
- Instruments of feedback for communication partner.
- Practice: professional feedback rules.
- Estimation of participants` level of business communication skill.
Ego states in communication
- Common mistakes in verbal communication.
- Ego states in business communication. Choosing ego states for correct communication.
- Maintaining the effective ego state.
- Methods to maintain the ego state chosen.
- Practice: maintaining the effective ego state in communication.
- Methods to affect the partner`s ego state.
- Mirroring method.
- Practice of assertive communication.
- Estimation of private level of assertiveness in communication.
- Practice: instruments of assertive, convincing communication.
Initiating the contact. Self-presentation
- The usage of verbal and non-verbal methods for attracting the partner.
- «Small talk» technique as style of establishing non-formal long-term contact with business communication partner.
- Practice: «small talk» technique.
Rules of business email communication
- Ineffective email. Common mistakes of business communication.
- Practice: correction of non-effective written communication.
- The structure (composition) of message.
- Rules of non-conflict communication in business email communication.
- Ethical aspect of messages.
- Argumentation in business email communication.
- Practice: argumentation methods in business email communication.
Convincing argumentation
- Informing and convincing messages.
- Principles of logical construction of message. Active and passive argumentation.
- Actual methods for presenting subject matters.
- Practice: speaker techniques and methods of active argumentation.
Tactics of behavior in difficult situations of interaction
- The basics of successful negotiations.
- Difficulties in negotiations.
- Common mistakes in negotiations.
- Practice: effective negotiations modeling.
- Types of “difficult” communication partners: aggressive, passive, manipulative, hyperactive.
- Methods of positive interaction with all types of “difficult” partners.
- Practice: positive interaction instruments with “difficult” communication partners.
- Assertive behavior: polite interaction and achieving the result planned.
- Methods «I-message», «Fogging», «Broken record», «Free information», «Negative informing» and etc.
- Successful counter-techniques in situations of emotional pressure and critics.
- Practice: assertive behavior instruments in situations of business interaction.
Methods to overcome stress
- Stress and distress. Basic moments of emotional pressure in communication.
- Instruments of defining and overcoming the stress states.
- Practice: anti-stress methods.
Q and A group session. Individual planning of self-development for participants on the areas of development defined.
Your training may include (negotiable):
- Enlarged supportive education handouts.
- List of essential literature.
- Books on the topics in digital format.
- The estimation of your level of effective business communication mastership.
- Post-training in the form of coaching session within a month after the training (negotiable).