In business communication, it is essential to be assertive, and to withstand pressure, and not to get yourself involved in conflicts, and to present strong arguments for your position, and to achieve your objectives, and to use techniques of assertive communications with "difficult" partners. To be assertive means to be self-assured, and persistent, comfortable, in control of your emotions and your partners` emotions, and be able to support your position. Disability to be self-assured, and convincing, and not to feel your inner power and no to control it may lead to loss of authority and failure of your project, and loss of power and finances, and finally loss of yourself... What to do in situations of aggressive, manipulative, stress communication and how to maintain business relations? After the training you can enforce your style as assertive communicator, and to you’re your communication more convincing, reasonable, and to learn to overcome difficulties in communication, and to persist in your point and your right for your opinion, and to socialize with "difficult" partners, executives, colleagues, clients, that said to keep  positive, perspective relations with any partner in communication.

The target audience: for the wide audience of employees, executives, specialists, for whom in the process of professional activities it is essential to possess assertiveness in the field of business communication and socialization for solving emotionally stressful and conflict situations, as with final clients, as with так и с in-house clients of other divisions; for free lance specialists, for those who it is important to have effective establishing and maintaining business contacts and presenting your ideas \solutions\products.

What problems the training solve:

  • Conflict situations in business communications
  • Mistakes in behavior which do not allow achieving objectives expected
  • Personal disbelief in own abilities and opportunities, inner sense of weakness, negative thinking style  
  • The absence of contact, trust, understanding in horizontal\vertical business communication and \ or corporate communication
  • Common situations of stress, loss, psychological impacts, difficult negotiations
  • Poor knowledge of anti-stress techniques 
  • The need in effective, objective focused email and verbal business communication
  • Poor knowledge of instruments of conviction in business communication 
  • Poor knowledge of techniques of management by objectives with business communication methods used with different types of partners
  • Poor knowledge of usage of positive communication methods and creation of correct personal image in business communication


All the training participants will be able to:

  • master instruments of business verbal and written communication
  • improve relations with colleagues at work, with partners, with executives
  • obtain instruments of non-conflict communication,
  • learn to define negative communication and avoid it 
  • learn to define and overcome conflict situations
  • be able to communicate with different types of partners
  • learn to decrease emotional pressure in communication
  • develop the skills of assertive behavior and communication
  • learn to define manipulations and  get over them
  • develop the feeling sense of confidence and inner power


 Training objectives:

  • summarize the participants` knowledge of business communication
  • study the basics of business verbal\non-verbal communication
  • obtain the knowledge on basic principles of effective business email
  • develop the ability to be constructive, business-like, assertive in different situations of business communication.
  • develop the ability to control private emotional state in difficult situations
  • learn the instruments of definition and overcoming conflict situations in  business communication 
  • master instruments of assertive communication and non-conflict communication


All training modules can be customized in the context of business topics relative to the participants in their work activities.

Training methods: presentation, interactive mini-lection, group discussion, case method, visualization, individual activity, activity in smaller groups, role game, training of instrument, business game, icebreaker \ energizer.


Training contents:


The essence and contents of assertive behavior 

  • Characteristics of assertive person.
  • 6 habits of self-assured people.
  • Self-assuredness and self-esteem. Inner self-assuredness  and assertive behavior.
  • Social fears.
  • Practice: analysis of actual situations of неуверенности. 
  • Private boundaries.
  • Practice: metaphor of private boundaries.
  • Testing the participants` level of self-assuredness.


Ego states in communication

  • Basic mistakes of verbal communications.
  • Inner ego states in business communication according to N. Bern. Choosing the ego states for communication.
  • Maintaining the assertive position.
  • Methods of maintaining the effective position.
  • Practice: maintaining the effective position in communication.
  • Techniques of assertive communication.
  • Practice: training the techniques of assertive, convincing communication.


Tactics of effective behavior in “difficult” communicative situations

  • “Difficult” types of behavior: aggressive, passive, stressful (manipulative), hyperactive and others.
  • Ineffective tactics of behavior (passiveness, ignorance and others). Common mistakes in reaction on difficult types of behavior.
  • Tactics of positive behavior with every type “difficult” behaviors.
  • Practice: effective style of behavior with every type of “difficult” behaviors
  • Reasons of manipulations. Manipulations` indicators. Types of manipulations.
  • Effective tactics of overcoming manipulations.
  • Practice: effective tactics of overcoming manipulations.
  • Assertive behavior.
  • Techniques of assertiveness (“I-message”, “Fogging”, “Broken record” and others).
  • 5 steps of correct denial. 
  • Practice: techniques of assertiveness.
  • Rules of non-conflict style in business email communication.
  • Conflict situations in email communication.
  • Practice: assertive and business-like style in business email.
  • Basics of successful negotiations.
  • Realization of private interests and rights in interaction.
  • Clarifying the positions and interests of the communication partners.
  • Practice: effective negotiations modeling.
  • Difficulties in negotiations.


The basics of inner self-assuredness. Self-control. 

  • Objective focusing.
  • Realizing private emotions and partners` emotions.
  • Balance of power. Interaction «head to head».
  • Successful counter-techniques in situations of stress and critics.
  • Practice: balance of power.
  • Stress and distress. Common reasons of emotional pressure in interaction.
  • Techniques of defining and overcoming stress переживаний.
  • Process of mobilizing inner resources.
  • Anti-stress techniques («dome», «ray», «pendulum» and others).
  • Practice: actual anti-stress techniques.
  • “Anchoring” of resourceful state.
  • Relaxation exercises.
  • Utilization the past negative.
  • Control of attention.
  • Practice: mobilizing inner resources.
  • Developing of self-control individual methods.


The Q and A group session. Individual planning of self-development for participants on the areas of development defined.

Your training may include (negotiable):

  • Enlarged supportive education handouts. 
  • List of essential literature. 
  • Books on the topics in digital format. 
  • The estimation of the participants` level of assertive communication.
  • Post-training in the form of coaching session within a month after the training (negotiable).

Алексей Кузнецов

Бизнес-тренер, коуч (Business trainer, coach)
Практический психолог (Practical psychologist)

Автор и ведущий тренингов (Author and master of trainings)
Skype: alex-coach-ok

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About the Project

Razrabotka i provedenie obuchaiushchikh programm: treningi prodazh, peregovorov, telefonny`kh kommunikatcii`, upravleniia liud`mi, liderstva, motivatcii, nastavnichestva. Psihologicheskoe konsul`tirovanie i treningi, reshenie krizisny`kh situatcii` po napravleniiam: otnosheniia, sem`ia, lichnostny`i` rost i dr.

Contact Us

  • Practical Phychology Center
  • +7(925)464-90-46
  • alex-business-trainer
  • Alex Kuznetsov, Business Trainer, Coach, Professional Practical Phychologist, Development Consultant

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