We all set our objectives, in our head and\or set them in our dairies. But only few achieve results. Why is it so? Information flow is nowadays too large for human possibilities. Office activities demand a huge part of time, leaving only 3-4 hours for private affairs. Multitasking is becoming rude reality for any specialist. What makes successful people so successful, effective? Only realizing the objectives, choosing the priorities and successful, systematical application of methods and rules of time management let you achieve objectives and spend time reasonably. Rules and methods of time management allow to cut losses of any company and department. True mastership of time management at the training is a practical educative course, built instrument-to-instrument, thanks to what you as the training participant will be able to make a plan of achievement of short term and long term objectives, both life and work\business ones, within reasonable amount of time, and also to “digitize” time and resource economy planned. The training is founded on basic rules and the best instruments of time management, installed in top world companies.
Target audience: for wide range of executives, specialists, managers, employees, freelancers for whom, during work or business processes, it is essential to optimize planning, to save time resources, to upgrade personal time management skills and to improve personal effectiveness indicators.
What problems the training solve:
- Losses of time and money and emotional energy and other resources, lost revenues, excessive costs and labor in different Company`s departments \ offices.
- A certain amount of objectives failed to be achieved.
- Poor knowledge of time management rules and methods.
- Poor knowledge of rules and methods of effective achievement algorithm.
- The absence of system style in common work situation fixing.
- Weak and unsystematically performance
- Poor knowledge of barriers overcoming methods to achieve success.
- Unclear objectives, weak work and personal life perspectives, overworking routine, common demotivation, душевные метания, stress situations
All the training participants will be able to:
- Get the necessary knowledge and methods of system style for work and life situation solving fixing
- Get the possibility to optimize your work or business processes \ operations
- Be able to effectively set your objectives, overcome common barriers on the way to your objectives
- Be able to step-by-step apply up-to-date time management rules and methods, to reasonably organize your time and resources, to cover the risks and protect your projects \objectives
- get the system of effective achievement of both professional and private objectives
- be able to get extra time and resources, and unleash energy
- be able to avoid \ fight overworking style, stress situations, demotivating aspects, mistakes and poor decisions
Training`s objectives:
- to achieve basic knowledge of time management skills and rules and methods for successful implementation them in your Company`s \ department`s work or business activities.
- To learn and practice time management skills and rules and methods
- To plan personal and professional optimization plans to save time and money and emotional resources.
- To improve the skill of time management and system analysis.
All training modules can be customized in the context of business topics relative to the participants in their work activities. During the training, the participants have the possibility to work on the optimization projects regarding their everyday work objectives \ priorities and achieve additional time resources.
Training methods: presentation, interactive mini-lection, group discussion, case method, visualization, individual activity, activity in smaller groups, role game, training of instrument, business game, icebreaker \ energizer.
Training contents:
Basics of time management.
- Time as a resource.
- What stops us to apply time management rules and techniques?
- Basic problems with time management.
- Practice: testing the level of participants` time management skill.
- Group and individual participants` objectives.
- Psychological aspects of time management.
- Practice: work with deep values \ beliefs.
- The rule of 5P.
- Basic losses on non-rational usage of time.
Rules of effective objective planning. Mastership of objective setting in both material and non-material world.
- The definition of value in every process \ operation.
- Private objectives and Company`s \ department`s objectives .
- Resources of objectives.
- Practice: solving of problem situation and algorithm of objective setting.
- Problem field of the situation.
- Rules of effective objective setting according to Mr. Peter Drucker.
- Practice: work with rules of effective setting SMART(ER) objectives.
Effective planning.
- Rules of succesfull planning.
- Common mistakes of planning.
- Practice: successful planning.
- Types of tasks according to Mr. Brian Tracey .
- Decompostion tool and time planning diagram.
- Practicing the decomposition tool and time planning diagram.
- Breakdown of tasks with the help of D. Eisenhauer`s quadrants.
- Practice: prioritizing with the help of D. Eisenhauer`s quadrants.
- Everyday planning.
- Contents of effective working week \ day planner.
- ABC prioritizing.
- W. Pareto`s prioritizing.
- Lothar Zaivert`s prioritizing.
- Objectives thinking style.
- Types of planners.
- Practicing the effective working week \ day planner and current tasks evaluation.
Work with private objectives and tasks.
- Personal effectiveness indicators.
- Circle of life balance.
- Planning short distance and middle distance and long distance objectives.
- Inner barriers on the way of objectives` achieving. Procrastination.
- Practicing overcoming the inner barriers.
- Self-motivation and self-stimulation. Successful overcoming self-sabotage.
- Individual biological rhythms of the person`s active phases.
- Methods of self-discipline. 10 steps to private self-discipline.
- “Pomodoro” and “styer” methods.
- Practicing the resourceful inner state.
- Rules of delegation.
- Practicing the rules of delegation.
- GTD style of time management.
- Chronothaguses (time eaters).
- Everyday timing.
- Personal projects of time management.
The Q and A group session. Individual planning of self-development for participants on the areas of development defined.
Your training may include (negotiable):
- Enlarged supportive education handouts.
- List of essential literature.
- Books on the topics in digital format.
- The estimation of the participants` level of time management skill.
- Post-training in the form of coaching session within a month after the training (negotiable).